The Benefits of Massage after a Long Flight

Conquering Jet Lag: The Massage Therapy Advantage

Jet lag, the unsolicited byproduct of modern travel, is an all-too-familiar term for many visitors to Hawaii as the flight can take more than 5 hours just from locations in California and even longer from the mainland east coast. Add in the time difference, and the sudden disruption of our internal clock, or ‘circadian rhythm,’ results in many undesirable symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia, and even digestive issues. What if there was a way to alleviate this unwelcome travel companion? Enter the soothing world of massage therapy. Our Big Island Volcano massage therapists specialize in many varieties of massage, emphasizing the Hawaiian tradition. Improve your overall well-being and relax after a day of adventure. Relieve stress, muscle tension, and unlock and balance your energy flow. Massage, often viewed as a luxury, is a powerful tool to recalibrate your body’s internal clock and mitigate the effects of jet lag. Here’s why scheduling a massage after a long-haul flight is a fantastic idea.
Massage in Hawaii at Volcano Village Estates
Firstly, massage enhances your sleep quality, typically the first casualty of jet lag. Through various techniques, massage therapy can promote relaxation and assist your body in adjusting to new sleep schedules. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that massage increased delta waves in the brain, which are connected to deep sleep. Hence, a massage can help you combat insomnia and regain restful nights.
Secondly, a massage can significantly boost your blood circulation, which is crucial when you’ve been sitting for extended periods on a plane. Increased blood flow means more oxygen is delivered to your tired muscles, promoting faster recovery and reducing fatigue. This can make you feel more energized and ready to explore your new environment.
Lastly, massages can stimulate the lymphatic system, which aids in removing toxins and waste products from the body. This can help manage digestive issues often associated with jet lag, such as constipation or bloating.
So, the next time you feel groggy and out-of-sync after a long flight, consider booking a massage. It’s not merely an indulgence but a proactive step in restoring balance and maximizing your enjoyment of your travel adventures. Remember, some self-care can go a long way, especially when you’re miles away from home.
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